new beach

Roman 8:28 (NKJV)

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

Have you ever worked in a job where you were on call and from the moment the phone rang you could be running out the door? How about showing up at an event and you had to find out where you had to set up? What about just being part of a team and you had to know where you had to be for your part?

          Life can be filled with these moments that are not just what you need to do, but also where you need to be. Many of us have busy schedules and could use a personal assistant to keep track of everything. Things can really get out of hand when you include all the modern technology and even the feeling that you have to keep up with social media.

You have the families where more than one person needs to divide and conquer just to get everyone to the different places they have to be for the next practice or event. Too often there are many that cannot keep up with all the commitments that they make especially if there is no one else available to help. Unfortunately, sometimes the choices can be hard as to what gets the priority or who misses out. 

          I have spent most of my adult life working where alternate shifts or on call is just the way it was even before technology made it easier to be contacted. I grew up first in the active military where preparedness was first and foremost then moved on to the para-military world of corrections with the National Guard just to make it interesting. You never know how interesting this world can get till you watch a plane crash in a building, then wait for the phone to ring.

          In some ways I am getting to a point where my typical day to day life may not require a day planner to keep track of events. The moving from one phase of life to another may allow a person to slow down but it can also present new challenges depending on the direction one is headed. I have also had friends retire so they can enjoy their life only to encounter health or heart issues because they go from being a hare to a tortoise.

          We grow up hearing that we need to plan for the future, figure out what we are going to do with our lives, or just simply decide if we need to change our course. Some people even say that they have a calling for their lives, but they can’t always explain what that means. As I said, these life choices and direction decisions can get pretty interesting especially if you do not have things figured out.

What if the next part of your journey is already planned out and you don’t even know it? Have you ever had the feeling that you were supposed to be somewhere, but you have not discovered where that is? Many times this can lead to feelings of being lost or out of place and it can be like wandering aimlessly through dense fog. So, where do you stop to ask for directions?

We have an entire segment of our workforce and society dedicated to helping people find their direction, but it is founded on opinion. There is no real way that anyone can truly know what is best for another person, they can only recommend or guess. With the access to video and countless books on whatever you are going through we don’t even have to make an appointment.

Over the years I have turned to another source to help me find at least a heading I should be on. I’ve combed through God’s word while I prayed for the answers that I was seeking. As I have been making changes in my life for the future, the hardest part for me right now has been patience and not letting any fear or apprehension stop me from going where I need to go.

Even though I can see some very interesting possibilities, I still do not have a clear picture. I feel that I am being drawn toward something that will help people, but it seems like I am waiting for a big neon arrow to light up pointing me in the right direction. This may have already happened, but I didn’t notice it or didn’t want to follow that path. It could also be that I am not prepared yet for what the Lord has in store for me.

As I still search, I wonder how I would react if God spoke directly to me. We saw where God was pretty blunt with Jonah in Jonah 1:2, “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry out against it; for their wickedness has come up before Me.” Would I go or do as Jonah did in verse 3? “But Jonah arose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord.” What would you have done?

If we look further in the Bible we would find a burning bush and a blinding light. Moses encountered a burning bush with a command from the Lord in Exodus 3:10. “Come now, therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring My people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt.” How about Paul in Acts 9:3-4. “As he journeyed he came near Damascus, and suddenly a light shone around him from heaven. Then he fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?”

We know how these stories turned out, but there are many more and we still need to be mindful of what we would do. Are you ready to join me in letting go of any fears and bluntly ask, “Lord, where do you want me?” Once we do, we have to be prepared for when the response comes. So, while we wait please also enjoy, “Quell the Fears You May Be Feeling.”


 Lord I hear your calling and what you are asking me to do,

But the need is so widespread how can I possibly follow through?

 Many requests for help are worthy and in need of much attention,

But the places are not readily seen or come with any direction.

 Being unable to see the way or a place that I would know,

So how can I be expected to tell where I should go?

 Child, continue to raise your prayers to me to discover the path you seek,

Then you will soon find a place among the hurting and the meek.

 Do not fret that you are not sure of the way, just be ready when I call,

I know when you will be prepared to go spread my love amongst them all.

 You will soon find my children who are there and in need of healing,

Use strength to stand tall and quell the fears you may be feeling.


Simple Faith Christian

Copyright 2019



2 thoughts on “WHERE DO YOU WANT ME?

  1. God speaks in many ways, doesn’t he? We have found that the booming audible voice is quite rare as God usually chooses to speak with His still, small voice. We have to be trained in how to listen to Him speak but if we endure the rewards are definitely worth the effort. I know at a critical time in my life when we had no place to go and didn’t know what to do God spoke to me in a dream and kept repeating, ‘Do not plan, do not plan’. This was important because He was about to launch us on a journey where we had to rely solely on His lead. It forced us to learn how to trust Him for our daily survival.

    So much of our world is focused on planning, isn’t it? But as you say, it is all opinion. What really matters is whether we are following Jesus. If we follow Him we don’t need to plan because He will always lead us where we need to go, even if we don’t want, or like, to be there. Jesus will only ever lead us on paths that will lead us to the Father. The trick is to listen to, and follow, only His voice and we will not go astray.

    Homer Les


    1. Thank you brother for the reply and rebuttal. You are right that we must choose to listen for the voice of the Lord for guidance. However, many times we may have to be patient till we go here it because we may not be ready for the next part of our journey. This is what I face now as I finish my degree and search for the next part of the path He has for me. It may be prison ministry, it may be a halfway house, or it may be another direction entirely. I am both excited and apprehensive, but either way I know the Lord is with me. I wish you luck and many blessing on your journey.

      Have a blessed day,



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